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trademark check
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You can fill out the form on our website. We will help you prepare an application without errors. You can control the registration process in your account
If there are no objections to your documents, the average registration time is 3 to 5 months. There are exceptions to this, both downward and upward.
The cost of trademark registration for one class: $600. The trademark search for one class: $164
You can conduct free trademark search using our website. We can also prepare a professional check upon your request. The term for search is 5-8 business days
The trademark has been valid for 10 years. You can renew it an unlimited number of times.
This is the best way to protect your business name. Otherwise, someone else could file an application and prohibit to use your own trademark after it has been registered.
A trademark is a recognisable image, phrase, word, or design that sets one company's products or services apart from those of competitors.
UK Trademark Registration grants exclusive rights to use the registered trademark throughout the UK, offering legal protection against infringement and imitation.
First, a thorough search should be conducted to ensure the uniqueness of the proposed trademark. Next, a detailed application must be submitted to the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO).
It is primarily governed by the Trade Marks Act 1994, which outlines the requirements for trademark registration, the rights conferred to owners, and provisions for trademark infringement and remedies.
The Trade Marks and Patents Office is the government body responsible for administering and overseeing trademark and patent matters in the United Kingdom.
The European Patent Office (EPO) is an organization responsible for granting European patents through a centralized application and examination process. The EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) deals with EU-wide trademark and design registrations. Before Brexit, UK businesses could seek EU trademark registration through the EUIPO, covering all EU member states, including the UK. However, after Brexit, EU trademark registrations no longer include the UK. UK-based businesses must apply separately to both the EUIPO and the UKIPO to secure protection in both the EU and the UK markets.
Choosing the right brand involves selecting a brand name, logo, or symbol that aligns with the company's values, products, and target audience.
Before finalizing a brand, it is essential to check its availability and search for similar existing brands.
These professionals can conduct thorough trademark searches, assess the risk of potential conflicts, and provide expert advice on choosing a strong and unique brand.
Applying for UKIPO registration involves seeking legal protection for a trademark within the UK.
The application requirements for UKIPO registration entail providing essential information about the applicant, including their name, address, and contact details.
Before the publication of the trademark application, the UKIPO conducts a preliminary expert analysis to ensure it meets the legal requirements for registration.
Expert assessment of the UKIPO application involves a comprehensive review by trademark examiners to evaluate the application's compliance with the legal requirements and regulations.
A positive decision occurs when the application fulfills all requirements, and the trademark is deemed eligible for registration. Alternatively, the UKIPO may request additional information or amendments to address any issues or ambiguities found during the examination process. The applicant is allowed to comply with these requirements within a specified period. Lastly, the application may face refusal if it fails to meet legal criteria, such as lacking distinctiveness or conflicting with existing trademarks. In such cases, the applicant can appeal the decision.
This procedure allows the applicant to challenge the decision and present arguments or evidence to support the application's eligibility for registration.
Once the application successfully completes the examination and any opposition period without objections or after resolving any raised issues, the UKIPO grants the trademark registration.
In the UK, a registered trademark holds legal status, providing the owner with strong protection against unauthorized use or infringement.
A trademark registration in the UK is initially valid for ten years from the application's filing date.
Rights of the registered trademark owner include exclusive use of the registered mark for the specified goods or services within the UK.
Consistent and strategic use of the brand across various touchpoints, including packaging, advertising, online presence, and customer interactions, helps establish brand identity and fosters consumer trust and loyalty.
The UK Trademarks Act 1994 provides legal remedies to protect trademark owners, enabling them to take legal action against infringers in UK courts.
The procedure involves filing a single application with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to seek protection in multiple member countries.
Advantages of international registration through the Madrid Protocol include cost-effectiveness and efficiency, as a single application covers multiple countries, reducing administrative burdens and expenses. However, the Madrid Protocol has limitations, such as dependency on the basic application's fate.
Conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure the chosen mark is unique and not already in use and choose a distinctive and easily recognizable mark that aligns with your brand and products/services.
The cost of registering a trademark in Great Britain varies based on factors like the number of classes of goods/services covered and the type of application (online or paper).
Monitor your trademark regularly to detect any potential infringements or unauthorized use and enforce your rights promptly against any infringers to maintain the exclusivity of your mark.
The rise in e-commerce, digital branding, and global expansion has driven businesses to seek trademark protection to safeguard their intellectual property assets.
With the UK's departure from the EU, EU trademarks are no longer automatically valid in the UK.
Trademark registration provides legal protection and exclusive rights to the trademark owner, safeguarding brand identity and preventing unauthorized use by competitors.
A well-established trademark creates a distinct identity that sets a company apart from competitors.
The prospects for trademark registration in the UK remain promising, considering the country's dynamic business environment and global connections.